The search flags for the attribute are invalid. The ANR bit is valid only on attributes of Unicode or Teletex strings. 属性的搜索标志无效。ANR位只在Unicode或Teletex字符串的属性上有效。
Invalid color array. The color array must contain { 0} colors for a { 1} bit per pixel bitmap. 无效的颜色阵列。对于每像素{1}位位图,颜色阵列必须包含{0}种颜色。
America's economy isn't a stalled car, nor is it an invalid who will soon return to health if he gets a bit more rest. 美国经济不是一辆抛锚的汽车,也不是一个多休息会就可以恢复健康的病人。
You have entered an invalid script bit rate. 您输入的脚本比特率无效。